Professional Detective Services

Providing secret 100% confidential detective services in Pune, pan India with a team of trained professionals and advanced investigation equipment.


Our detective agency offers a wide range of services including surveillance, background checks, and matrimonial investigations.

Our Services


Personal Services

Pre Marriage

They say that Matches are made in heaven but as a trend of modern world...

Post Marriage

When you feel that your partner or spouse is having an extra marital...


If you are in a long term relationship and you begin to suspect adultery or infidelity in...

Spouse Cheating

Having a beautiful and satisfying marriage life can only be wonderment if both...

Adultery & Infidelity Check

A concerned husband solicited our services. He told us that he is beginning...

Teenager monitoring

WW Detective Agency have found to be one of the best Detective agencies...


In divorce cases you need our assistance for extra marital affair, daily routine...

Surveliance & Shadowing

Surveillance is a much needed investigation parameter for any kind ...

Legal Services

Asset Search

At ww detective, we have gained an expertise in offering a wide...

Labour Court Case

Our organization is a fast growing investigation company with a specialization ...

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a very serious matter, and many people will go to great...

Handwriting / Signature Analysis

Handwriting analysis is often used in forensic science...

Finger Print Analysis

Fingerprints Classification is the fastest, easiest and 'A' grade ascertaining ...

Tracing & Suspicious IP

At WW Detective Agency, we provide service used to scan an IP...

Website Tracking

Do you need to know who's visiting your website, and what they do when...

Employee Theft Crime

The one of the leading problems faced by the corpote Companies of the...


Corporate Services

Cheating Employee

Employee cheating is a menace that most of companies or corporate firms...

Competitor Investigation

In the business world, information and knowledge is power. Competitive Business...

Corporate / Industrial Espionage

When an employee or outside perpetrator is suspected...

Undercover Operation

Solid evidence is the primary demand of any successful litigation...

Financial Fraud Verification

Protect yourself by calling Metro Investigation Services in to handle your financial fraud investigation...

Business / Background Verification

Our Corporate Investigators are guided by our...

Pre & Post Employee Verification

Pre & Post Employee is one of the most...

Corporate Due Diligence

WW DETECTIVE is a highly recognized and acclaimed Private...

Other Services

Background Check Personal / Corporate

Background Checks for Online Dating: Before taking the...

Dating Scam

When you meet someone and start dating, it is often the case that...

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse or addiction can be explained as a Habitual use of drugs...

Sting Operation

WW DETECTIVE is a name to reckon with for offering its clients, a myriad of investigation...

Theft Investigation

Is employee theft costing your business money? How much of your...

Record Search

There are several reasons individuals and businesses alike utilize Metro...

Fact Findings

You may doubt about the authentication of any information...

Business Dispute

Business disputes are nothing new to India and its people,...

Our Most Requested Services

  • Pre / Post Matrimonial investigation

  • Background Check

  • Surveliance / Shadowing

  • Spouse Cheating

  • Undercover Operation

  • Corporate / Industrial Espionage

  • Corporate Due Diligence

  • Competitor Investigation

  • Fact Findings

Happy Clients, Successful Cases

White Wolf Detective Agency has been instrumental in solving my case. Highly recommended!

Mr. Rahul singh Parmar

I am extremely satisfied with the services provided by White Wolf Detective Agency. They are true professionals.

Mr. Ajit kumar

About Us

With over 21 years of experience, White Wolf Detective Agency is the leading detective agency in Pune, India, committed to delivering accurate and reliable results.

Our agency is capable of helping you even in the most difficult areas of investigation and obtains the desired results. Our aim is to understand the problem of client first and then the specific requirements of the client are studied & identified in the first Meeting or through E-Mail. Thereafter, investigation commences in a planned and time-bound manner. A detailed plan of surveillance and investigation inquiry is shared to the client with honesty, accuracy & confidentiality. Be it pre and post-marital investigations, legal document verification or any other kind of investigations, wolf detective detective is the best detective agency in India With our extremely intelligent and efficient team that we have we work on a case very systematically, steadily working on it and collecting evidence. We then connect the evidence to match them up together to get the obvious result that too within the given time period.

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